Träningsvideor sparar tid och hjälper dig att undvika huvudvärk när du anställer nya teammedlemmar. De är också praktiska för andra typer av intern kommunikation.
I den här artikeln berättar vi varför alla företag behöver göra utbildningsvideor, exakt hur ditt företag kan dra nytta av instruktionsvideor och hur företag som ditt kan göra dem.
Varför skapa träningsvideor
Video är det mest engagerande innehållsformatet oavsett om du är en visuell eller auditiv elev. Du kan titta på och lyssna på en videos innehåll medan du läser text, undertexter på skärmen eller följer en transkription.
Om du försöker optimera en del av ditt företags utbildningsdokument är utbildningsvideor det smartaste alternativet.
Tack och lov lever vi nu i en tid där vem som helst enkelt kan göra videor med en knapptryckning. Du behöver inte tänka på att ladda ner stora filer, svår programvara och lära dig alla kortkommandon!
Nu kan du titta på en instruktionsvideo med en detaljerad steg-för-steg-process och avsluta redigeringen på några minuter!
Fördelar med att skapa en träningsvideo
Fortfarande inte säker på hur träningsvideor kan göra ditt liv enklare? Här är fler fördelar med att göra en träningsvideo.
- Mer engagemang: Videobaserat läromedel kan engagera både visuella och auditiva elever. Detta kan leda till mer engagemang från dina tittare.
- Öka inlärningsretention: Tittarna kan spola tillbaka när det behövs. Till skillnad från personlig träning kan de alltid gå tillbaka till utbildningen när de vill.
- Spara pengar: Du behöver inte betala någon för personlig träning när du kan klicka för att se videon.
- Bekvämlighet: Missade du en träning? Se reprisen. Dela filen med alla som missat den också!
- Felfritt innehåll: Spela om delar av videon du har gjort ett misstag på för att uppnå felfria resultat. Det fina med video är att kunna omarbeta det tills du är nöjd med det.
- Spara tid: Du behöver inte vara någonstans inom en bestämd tidsram. Gör saker på din egen tid. Ett flexibelt schema är nyckeln för globala fjärrlag med många tidszoner att balansera.
Hur man enkelt gör en bra träningsvideo med VEED
Det är dags att lära sig hur man gör en träningsvideo. Så vilket verktyg ska du använda?
Det bästa verktyget är det som:
- Passar ditt företags behov funktionsmässigt
- Fungerar med färdighetsnivån för att skapa video för den som ska göra innehållet
För att göra det enkelt kommer vi att lära dig hur du gör träningsvideor med VEED – vår enkla men kraftfulla videoredigerare online. VEED hjälper människor på alla nivåer att enkelt skapa iögonfallande professionella videor.
Låt oss börja!
Steg 1:Välj ämnet för din träningsvideo.
Om du kan, välj ett specifikt ämne. Ett tydligt fokus gör det lättare att hålla videon kortfattad. Eller så kan du gå så brett du vill och dela upp ämnet i mer lättsmälta bitar av videor.

Låt oss till exempel säga att ditt företag vill utbilda nyanställda i informationssäkerhet. Datasekretess skulle vara ett bra specifikt ämne. Tanken är att du inte ska prata om många ämnen i en enda video eftersom det är för mycket information att bearbeta på en gång.
Steg 2:Välj vilken typ av träningsvideo du vill göra.
Olika videor tjänar olika syften. Och vissa videor är mer tidskrävande att skapa än andra (som en enkel skärminspelning kontra en animation). Här är 7 typer av videor som du kan använda för träning och utbildningsvideoinnehåll.
Presentationsvideor (Talking Head)
Denna typ av träningsvideo involverar ett rörligt föremål eller en person framför kameran. Det här är perfekt när du har en karismatisk talare som är bekväm med kameran och kan hålla nyanställda engagerade i utbildningen.
Animerade videor
Den här videon använder helt animerade bilder som grafik, typ och ikoner. Animerade videor är bäst för att förklara komplexa självstudiekurser, idéer och data. Se dem som en infografik som förvandlats till en video.
En enkel screencast (eller skärminspelning) är vanligtvis det snabbaste, enklaste och mest prisvärda sättet att skapa en video. Dessa är särskilt bra för informella videor för att kommunicera med en kollega. Du kan också producera en mer polerad och redigerad video av din inspelning för träningsändamål.
Den här typen av video är mångsidig. It can range from easy and fast to make to more time consuming. For example, you could do a hybrid of a talking head video with some screen recording elements for a tutorial. This is the most popular video type used for training videos on YouTube. It tends to get the most engagement.
Live Videos
Sometimes, some training topics will require more immediate audience engagement. This includes once-in-a-blue moon live video events. These are great for company-wide training.
Interactive Videos
Interactive videos let the viewer watch a short clip before choosing what step to take next. For example, you might watch a short clip on how to get started with YouTube. You might be asked to interact to express whether you are a beginner or expert with video. The following clips would then be tailored to your skill-level.
Interactive videos require the most resources to build but can come in handy if you’re able to make them.
Employee-Created Videos
It doesn’t always have to be the video pros who get on camera!. Video is for everybody!
Videos by your employees are ideal to share their expert knowledge companywide. But these videos are not only for managers. Any teammate can make one. It's a best practice to document what you learn and share it within your company’s documentation.
Step 3:Outline and storyboard your video.
Once you’ve decided on the topic and the type of video you’re going to make, the next step is to outline and script your video. This will make it easier for you to visualize what exactly you’d want to see on the final output. For more complex, high-production videos you might want to storyboard.
A storyboard visually explains how the video will play out using sketches or images. It doesn’t need to be fancy. Even simple screenshots or stick figure drawings will do.
Step 4:Record your training video
Make sure to set up your space with proper lighting, audio, and backdrop. If you don’t have a lighting kit, camera, microphone, or backdrop don’t worry.
Here’s what to do instead:
Lighting: Find a window with good natural lighting coming in. You can also make sure you have a lamp on your desk for better lighting.
Audio: Most earbuds and headset microphones will do the trick. Check your room is quiet and has little echo.
Recording: Your smartphone camera is perfect if you don’t have or want to use a DSLR. You can also use your phone’s amazing camera and use it as a webcam when screen recording!
A few more best practices include...
Eye contact: Look into the lens of your camera. This is equivalent to looking your viewers in the eyes.
Keep a positive facial expression: You don’t have to exaggerate with a smile but do keep a cheerful yet relaxed look. You can’t expect people to be eager to watch if you’re not eager to be there.
Share one idea at a time: To make editing easier, talk one idea or sentence at a time. When you edit, you can easily trim out the pauses in your audio.
Step 5:Edit your video and create a VEED account.
Creating an account lets you save your videos to VEED’s cloud storage. You can either continue with VEED using your Google account or input your email address on the box provided. Then, click the Get Magic Link button to get started.

Step 6:Set up your brand kit with brand fonts and colors
If you have a pro or enterprise plan with VEED, you can set up your branding. Add your brand fonts, colors, and logo to your kit for professional-looking videos.
Step 7:Record or upload your video
Say you’re making a screencast or a hybrid type of video for your training topic. With VEED, it’s so easy to start because it’s already one of the options laid out for you in creating a new project.
You can either upload a file from your device, YouTube, or Dropbox. If you want to record a video instead, you have that option as well as recording your screen. VEED offers a screen recording Chrome extension for easy accessibility as well.

Step 8:Customize your video
Once you’re done with all the prep work from the earlier steps you can finally customize your video with edits!
Here are some key features you can use within VEED:
- Add subtitles: Increase comprehension, viewer retention, and engagement with subtitles. You can automatically add subtitles to video, upload an SRT subtitle file, or manually type them.
- Translate subtitles: Translate your video subtitles with the click of a button. Improve comprehension across a global audience.
- Draw on video: If you’re editing a screen recording, VEED’s screen recorder lets you draw on your screen. Our rainbow pen is so fun to use! If you’re editing a video you uploaded you can add annotations in the editor with the drawing tool.
Step 9:Review video
Before you share your training video, you’ll need feedback. AVEED’s collaboration features makes this frustration-free. Use the share button to share the video with people you want feedback from. They can then use the commenting feature to add feedback with a timestamp so you know exactly which part of the video they’re talking about.
You can also add teammates as collaborators into your VEED account.
Remember, the purpose of training videos is that they’re evergreen and won’t need replacing often. Take the extra time to make sure it’s perfect!
Step 10:Share your video
Sharing your video through VEED takes just a few clicks. Share the link in an email, add your video to Google slides or Powerpoint, or download the file and share it on social media.
5 examples of effective training videos
Here are five examples of the best training videos to refer to in the future.
1) Learn how to manage people and be a better leader
This is a whiteboard video from Workforce Singapore. It has gotten over 3.4 million views. It's also a great example of how you don’t need to be an expert video editor to get your idea across.
2) Apple — Inclusion &Diversity — Open
Apple is a visionary company who has made significant innovations. They want to convey this in their videos to help educate and attract outsiders who might want to join them.
If you take a look at his Open company video, you can see that their video makers have combined different video types to create it. It's simple and elegant.
3) How does the stock market work? - Oliver Elfenbaum
From animated videos targeting students to educators, TED-Ed has established an award-winning reputation. Committed to their slogan of “Ideas worth spreading”, TED-Ed’s videos have a consistent large viewership. This shows consistency and an ever-present branding in their content. This business training video, for one, had over 5 million views.
4) Motion Graphics Infographic - Ahrefs 2D
In under 2 minutes, this motion graphics video introduced the client–Ahrefs 2D. Since the client is an SEO platform, this could be a good reference for IT training videos.
Although it doesn’t have much viewership, this video gets the message across. It covers the important details and uses visually-appealing graphics to entice its audience.
5) How to Record Your Screen for FREE Online - VEED
Last but not the least, the perfect example of how to do a screen recording video using VEED is this one. It’s quick, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow.
The video combines screen recording with presenter-style videos into an effective how-to video. Our channel has gone from 0 to 33K subscribers with tutorial videos just like this.

Frequently asked questions
How do you make training videos?
If you want to know how to make training videos, pick a topic of interest. Then, think about the most suitable type of training video for that topic. Once you’ve decided, make a script and storyboard. Finally, get your recording equipment ready and start filming.
How do you create an employee training video?
To create an employee training video, look for the most knowledgeable person to shoot your video with. Make the video more personal by doing a presenter style video if possible. You can also get creative professionals to help if your budget allows.
What should be included in a training video?
A training video should have well-scripted content with eye-catching visuals . It should also have a goal or intention and easily-recognizable branding . Keep it short but impactful.
How do you make interactive training videos?
You can make training videos interactive by embedding other educational materials in it. Create quizzes, examples, or workbooks learners can use while watching the video training.
Why are training videos useful?
Most of the population are visual and auditory learners. So, if you want to teach people, it will be easier to learn and understand in video format. Training videos engage your sense of sight and hearing. This can stimulate a deeper learning process.
Let's recap!
You now have everything you need to create training videos for your company (or any corporate setting). This investment of your time, energy and budget will save you money with video training material that can be played anytime anywhere.
Plus, not having to block out countless hours on your calendar for in-person training helps you and your team avoid burnout.
The last thing you want to disrupt this peace is clunky hard-to-use video editing software that eats away at your storage space.
With a simple online video editor like VEED you can easily edit videos like a pro online.
Here are some more things you can do!
- Record, collaborate, edit, review, and distribute with one tool: Say goodbye to a multi-tool workflow and hello to a simple but powerful tool that has your back for the whole process. With VEED you can record a training video, edit it, share it with teammates (or clients), and comment feedback!
- Automatic Subtitles: Add captions with the click of a button and customize them!
- Translations: Translate your video subtitles into 100 different languages.
- Cloud Storage: All your content lives safely inside your VEED workspace. Never take up precious storage space on your computer again!
- Screen recorder. Record training videos for free from the comfort of your browser!
- Online video editor: Do everything you need to make a polished video. Add text, music, sound effects, progress bars, annotations, images, compress video, combine videos, and more!
Curious about how VEED fits into your team’s workflow? Learn more about how we can simplify your video content workflow with VEED.